Stephen W. Hawking

Stephen Hawking has been one of my personal heroes ever since my Uncle Ian gave me a copy of his seminal book, "A Brief History of Time". As I read his ideas about space, time, black holes, and the Universe in which we live, I was amazed at how easily he explained the exciting but often complicated subjects explored in the book. I love how he brings such groundbreaking new theories to the public with a unique wit and insight, making previously baffling concepts fun. Here is a man so physically crippled that he has to construct diagrams and solve complex equations in his head, and yet he has been an important force in the development of the science of astrophysics!
I have included a variety of links to various resources. Enjoy!
Interesting lectures..........
Baby Universes, Children of Blackholes
A Brief History Of Time - A Reader's Companion
Some great articles about the man......
WORLD" From the Morning
News Tribune
"HAWKING REMINISCES" From the Seattle Post-Intelligencer
......and finally, something for the to make you chuckle......

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last updated 3/12/96
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